Sunday, May 15, 2011

A letter to a friend who makes different choices than me... because I love you.

We do the best with what we can... and it means that you and I make different choices.  My sanity suffers b/c I don't work outside my home. It's true. I have time to do this and that and become obsessed about what we put in our mouths and on our bodies.  My job is to save money, to find the deal, to... make it from scratch... these are the luxuries that I have and you do not. You have luxuries that I do not....  our personalities are so different that we have made different choices.... but they are BOTH valuable. TRULY.  I think we struggle with the other side of what we choose because we DO value what the other chooses.  I VALUE what you choose in and for your own life.  I"m jealous that you can go back to school.... it's something I would like to do too, and there will be a time for me. It's just not yet.
There is no right way and wrong way to do this life.... we do the best we can with what we have.  I don't want to make you feel guilty for choosing something different than me.  Dave and I want our lives to be shared with those around us.... to make things easier on our friends, not put more pressure on them to be more like us or to choose the things we value over the things they value.... it's not right or wrong, it's just different.... I also want to share in what you are.  You are so smart, beautiful, caring, gentle (it's true).  And if I can make life easier for you, I want to do that.  I'm investing in different things than most anyone else I know, and it's because I ENJOY making those choices. Just as you ENJOY choosing to work. I'd never want to take that away from you... to make you feel like it's not valuable.  I want my kids to see the value in the choices that working moms make too...  The fall out of both our choices is that we suffer the consequences of putting enormous pressure on ourselves, we feel guilty for not choosing different.... and then we make friends with those who more than likely choose the same path as us, and so we talk about that path and without knowing we're making someone feel less than loved.... less than valued.
We can't have it all.
I don't.
You don't.
Be sure of this. I don't want to be friends with another ME.  (ew.)  I want to live through you, share with you and support you and be supported by you. If we put our lives together wouldn't it be just about perfect?

You are one of the loveliest women I have ever met. I love your fire, your spunk and your heart, your choices and your values.  I wish I could be you sometimes (minus the bruises).

Your love for your family and your friends are more important than any organic-homemade-non-toxic-homegrown-raw-phthalate free life. Amen? Because, who am I kidding? If my kids didn't slather every morsel they put in their mouths with Ketchup they would probably never eat.

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