Thursday, May 19, 2011

Millie the Wonder Dog

Our Bernese Mountain Dog Millie!
So, I'm not a crazy dog person. I'm not. I didn't even think I was a dog person... until Millie.  Dave and I spent quite a bit of time researching the right breed for us... and wow... it was worth it.  We now have the space for a dog and Millie is so gentle, loving, calm and quiet.  Most of the time.    We went to Langley about a month after we moved into our new house to get her.  SUCH A GREAT DECISION.  Our yard is mostly fenced and she mostly just stays put.... other than her daily trips to our neighbour Leslie's house, she is so content to lay around with us, watch the kids and tell us when someone shows up.

She is soooo awesome.

Even as a puppy, she just let the kids maul her.  It's amazing how she follows the kids around... herds them even.... keeps an eye on them.  Bernese Mountain Dogs are shepherding dogs and it's no surprise.... it's why we got her.  She is doing her job well.

Love from Nova.

She is lying on my legs here...

Obediently waiting outside the chicken run for me to come out and be with her.

Gentle even with the pig we had.... mostly.  Because I gave her pigs ears to chew sometimes, she had a taste for pig.  She would knaw at his ears and feet....

On her perch at the front of the house where she can keep an eye on everything that comes and goes around here. Am I a dog person?   I am now... Millie is gorgeous, protective, gentle, watching, calm & easily obedient. I am a Millie person. 

How did we get such a gooood pup?  I don't know, but I'm sooo excited to see how her personality mellows out even more with age.  She's only a year old now and we just love her to bits!!!  In about a year from now I think I mentioned we'll be breeding her... sooooo excited to have little Bernese Mountain Dog pups around!!!! You are going to want one!!!

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